Meet the members and staff of the Sickle Cell Trust (Jamaica)
Professor Graham Serjeant, former Director MRC Laboratories, University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica. Chairman, Sickle Cell Trust. More information | Resume | Publications |

Ms. Karlene Mason, former Director, Education Centre for Sickle Cell Disease, MRC Laboratories, University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica Secretary, Sickle Cell Trust.

Mrs. Beryl Serjeant, former Chief Technologist, MRC Laboratories, University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica

Ms. Felicea Gibson, Senior Medical Laboratory Technologist
Other members of the Trust (listed )
Mrs. Joy Charlton
Ms. Carmen Clarke
Mr. William Clarke
Mrs. Lorisse DaCosta
Sir Alister McIntyre
Mrs. Agnes Mitchell
Mrs. Denise Robinson
Representing the Sickle Cell Support Club
Ms. Camille Daley
Ms. Morette Wright